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Oct 22, 2011

Megan is Missing

A few weeks back a saw what I think is possibly the most horrid movie ever made. Surprisingly I don't horrid as in terrible, I mean horrid as in why the hell am I watching this. You may be asking yourself "Pandora what could possibly be that bad?" The answer is a film called Megan is Missing.

Now I usually like movies that have that scary this could actually happen type of films. This one however made me sick to my stomach. To put it simply it's about two girls, Megan and Amy, who get kidnapped by a guy they met online. They film it in the homemade video Blair Witch style too which makes it even more creepy. Personally though I think this movie should be shown to all kids over the age of ten. Now a days kids are growing up way to fast and it's easier for them to make mistakes that could possibly end their lives. In fact I have a young cousin who watched this film and it's made her think twice about meeting strangers from the internet. 

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