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Sep 26, 2011


This blog was basically created out of sheer boredom. I know that starting out I'm going to completely suck at this, but it's all fine. In the long run I just want to entertain the people out there that are like me. So now I must say hello to you. My name is Pandora or that is what you will come to know me by. I have chosen this name to protect myself mainly because my employer is a complete jerk when it comes to things like these. All though I depict myself as a pony that doesn't mean that that's all this blog is going to be about. It's going to be whatever pops into my head weather it be reviews, opinions, conversation starters, etc. To tell you the truth I'm basically just going to talk about anything that comes out of my head. So put your seat belt on, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

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