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Sep 27, 2011

Medical Doctors and My Frustration

Ever since I was little going to the doctor was a big part of my life. This was mainly because my immune system failed at life and could never fight anything. It would start with cold, then it became the flu, and finally I would hack up my lungs with bronchitis. Then as I got older I got all of the mental and physical complications just like the rest of the family. I mostly blame it on the fact that I'm female since all of the males in my family are fine aside from a little ocd and the like. Oddly enough after visiting so many doctors I noticed a bit of a pattern. So here I give to you the types of doctors you will possibly meet throughout your life.

The first is the type who will automatically give you something usually disregarding the actual problems. They may treat individual symptoms but never the full problem. You have a cough? There's a drug for that. Feeling a little down? There's a drug for that. Does your forearm itch? There's a drug for that. They always end up prescribing you for one thing or another, which is totally fine if you're a drug dealer or something but the rest of us can't help but wonder. This type can also usually be seen mumbling into a tape recorder or just ignoring you all together.

The next is the one who will treat you like a messed up science experiment. These are the ones that make you question if they've actually passed med school. They'll often prescribe something for your ailments but they'll also order some sort of strange test too. "You have a bad cough? Try jumping up and down a few times." Oddly enough even though their methods seem off these are usually the ones who will actually cure you or at least they'll do everything in their power to help. If they can't help they'll probably just send you to some sort of specialist.

They third is the most frustrating. They know something's wrong and so do you but they're not really going to do much about it. This type of doctor is almost like GLaDOS in human form, lucky for you though these tests won't kill you. They'll order you to do some tests and schedule fifty different appointments for the same problem. Usually by the fourth visit you're realizing that nothing's getting done and you still have to pay for that nothing. Well at least you have to pay for it in America, but I'm not even going to be touching that subject.

The final doctor isn't part of anything medical but I just decided he should have an honorable mention. After all a doctor is a doctor no matter the degree or something like that. In the long run I bet he'd be able to help more then the doctors of today. Not that that's saying too much because he has a time machine and I think that counts as cheating.

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